Covent Garden Plants provides interior and exterior landscaping services for office environments. Our team of skilled technicians will care for your office plant displays with weekly maintenance visits. Any display that falls below our high standards will be replaced quickly and conveniently.
During the summer months, exterior floral displays are maintained twice a week to ensure year round flowering. We have two contracts: Rental, which includes a weekly plant maintenance service, or purchase with maintenance. Both services can be adapted to fit your specific requirements, and both services have the benefit of our technicians maintaining and caring for your office plant displays. Rental contracts have the bonus of a free replacement service whenever a display falls below standard. For more information click here.
At Covent Garden Plants we understand our clients concerns over the carbon footprint of many tropical plants. To address this we source our orchids and exterior plants from English growers, and aim to make our own transport solutions carbon neutral. Wherever possible our maintenance visits are conducted using public transport, bicycles and our fleet of highly visible tricycles. Our vans are currently under going conversion to be powered by electricity.
If you would like to know more about our office plant maintenance, then give us a call today on 0207 407 8555 or send us a message using our contact form.
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